Hello people who are going to read this, today I will be telling you thing that came up from my mind today.

1. Homework-People tell me to do my homework when ever I am at a restaurant for example and I really don’t get it….shouldn’t you do the HOME-WORK at your home…like change the name to HOMEWORK THAT COULD BE DONE ANYWHERE or for easier…HTSCBDA.

2. Flour-All I’m saying is that why do people buy different type of really your not going to taste it. Smh

3.  Is water wet- For the people who don’t know WATER IS SURE WET.

4. Why is Common Core a thing- I know for a lot of people hate common core because Math is just hard, Science is just for the people is the same thing as Math but with words, Social Studies is just really boring and I know a lot of people just don’t care about history, Language Arts is just way to complicated to know words.

5.  What is gravity-Like really no one really answered this question. Only theories

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